Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Student Report: FAFSA Meeting

FAFSA meeting

By Raffy Marte Diaz 

On February  9,2016 School Based had a meeting about ‘FAFSA’. We talked  about how FAFSA can help students who come from low-income families and who qualifies to apply . First, Betsy introduced herself and Willy spoke about who they are and the Americorps program. Secondly, they  to FAFSA introduces, we have to complete it all the years one plans to attend.  In the icebreaker, Betsy and Willy planned a game. Willy separated the students in 5 or 6  groups each one with 6 people and he gave numbers at the end. They gave 5 names of universities for each group and a paper that the group had to fill out. The universities are :Montclair, Rutgers, Kean ,TCNJ, and Seton Hall. Third, Willy went to the FAFSA website and he showed us  step by step how to properly fill out the FAFSA application. Later on, Betsy talked about. The book explains everything a college board book called “Get it together for college.” Student needs to know about the college admissions process and filling out financial aid for college. At the end, the group 5 won the competition.

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